Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tell me on a Sunday, please . . .

Finally, Tell Me on a Sunday. Not the Marti Webb version, but the Denise Van Outen one, which is not bad, not bad at all. This is one of my, if not the most, favorites of Lloyd Webber’s musicals, which features such hit songs as “Unexpected Song,” “Come Back With the Same Look in Your Eyes,” “Take That Look Off Your Face,” and “Tell Me on a Sunday.”

P, who initiated me in so many things (wink), also introduced me to Webber and my first introduction to this particular musical was the few tracks included in those
Best of Andrew Lloyd Webber cassettes made available in the early '90s.

And now this, the entire musical on CD brought fresh from HK. We’ve been trying to get the Marti Webb recording, but it’s been out of circulation it seems, but Van Outen does not disappoint. Not as edgy as Webb, but definitely competent and believable and just as enchanting. Thank God, Webber decided to make the musical into an entire one-act play and not just as a part of
Song and Dance. Repertory Philippines staged Song and Dance in Greenbelt One last year and I remember holding my breath and squeezing P’s hand as the first few strains of my favorite songs were sung by the highly capable Carla Guevara. The second half, which was supposed to be the "dance" part, was a sleeper. The lead dancer was a bit too old to be believable as the protagonist’s “younger” love interest. But, nevertheless, we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. We hope that Rep. will (re)stage Tell Me on a Sunday (the one-act play) in the future, hopefully this year!